This plant is exclusively found on a higher altitude as you climb the Rwenzori Mountains of the moon that is found in Uganda-Kasese district . The historic mountain that is believed to be the origin of The White Nile, sits at the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The highest peak sits at an altitude of 5109 meters high above the sea level .You start seeing this beautiful plant when you are above 3500 metres above the Sea level in the areas of the Lower Bigo Bog going forward to the areas slightly above the upper Bigo bog …

It’s a very stunningly beautiful plant. Looking at it leaves you wowing and appreciating Gods creation . This particularly plant is more visible in areas after John Maate Camp. The plant collects water for itself and will keep quite enough to feed on in case there’s no enough water … in the next post I will show you a young Giant Lobelias plant before flowering .. it’s magically charming …

Now, another surprise here is that we took these pictures in the Lower Bigo Bog but right under where we are stepping is water … the entire place is covered by water and mud as in its very Boggy , any slight mistake you can drop deep …

In the pictures; Former Rotary Governor Xavier Ssentamu and below is Rotarian Guillaume Bourgogne from France . We all took this Mystical challenge to honour mothers of the world , raise awareness about the Renovation of the Burnt maternity ward at Rukooki in Kasese and honouring Polio Day which found us at the top of the mountain -Margherita Peak .

Rotarian Guillaume from France next to the Giant Lobelias plant in the Rwenzori mountains
Gov. Rtn Xavier Next to the Lobelias plant
Mwalimu Tahakabar in the Lower Bigo Bog standing next to the Giant Lobelias plant found in the Rwenzori mountain

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