War is All I Have Seen


War war war…my ancestral land has been ravaged
At birth the bells of war were ringing
In my grandmother’s bedroom
I was born
So many miles outta my ancestral home
What an anguish I confronted from the first day!
Life of a war child
Zaire was not going to be called home
But a den
Clearly it had been that eza Zairwa was going to be my address
Ugandan I became by circumstances…
War war war
War is all I have seen …

The eighties escaped no smuggling
The border was a battlefield
Survival was for men and women
Children often on their mothers backs
Food and clothing is all they needed
Bullets flying allover and vampires seeking blood
From women
Warlords brokering deals to steal the earths wealth
Zaire couldnt stay the same
Neighbours were jealous
Plundering hearts they were filled with
War war war
War is all I have seen…

Zaire became DRC
Eza Zairwa was altered to eza Congolese
Would I be any of them?
Relatives across the border echoed
It’s home now
It’s peaceful now
It’s our land of birth
The ancestors are calling
The roaring and thunderous voice
Across the Rwenzori
Was heard calling on me
Hesitant I became, not ready to cross border
The gut was in a deep conversation with me
War is starting now
No better DRC, better Zaire
War war war
War is all I have seen ….

By Mwalimu Tahakabar

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