Ideologically bankrupt Soldiers in power

You see The Legendary Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso knew how this whole thing plays when you have ideologically bankrupt soldiers in power. He was a young man with a vision for the Burkinabes and Africa as a whole. He transformed lives of the people in record time. He strongly believed in Africa and her people as a disciplined soldier. He rose to power in the most dangerous time as Africa was struggling to get on to her feet . To be precise, Africa was taking baby steps from the clutches of colonialism to would be political independence only to land into Neo colonialism .

Around this time, Africa was not going to be robbed openly by imperialists but rather they (imperialists) were to bank on a few rotten eggs among Africans who were willing to kill for anything as long as they were in power or promised protection while in power ! The Likes of Mobutu and Blaisè are good quick examples of this menace that befell motherland.

Leaders at the time who were disoriented ideologically, were seen busy cutting deals with the west for both military and financial aid in exchange of motherland being plundered to date . Soldiers at the time in the post colonial era were the soft spot of a white man . Most of them were helped in staging military Coups against civilian governments that had welcomed independence. We had seen this severally in Nigeria , Togo, Guinea Bissau , Burkina Faso, Ghana , DRCongo etcetera .

Military men rose to the occasion and had a grip on to power. Criminality was born and nursed at their pleasure , abuse of human Rights was the order of the day to date and foreign companies controlled mineral centres just as it was many years ago. Africa once again suffered at the hands of uncultured soldiers in the names of Presidents . You can name them in the comments if you can for record purposes .Having uncultured Soldiers in the corridors and offices of power is in itself a danger to society and Pan Africanism .

When I see ideologically bankrupt officers being groomed across Africa to take power , I weep for my continent .

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