My Leader Muntu is a clear headed fella , and severally I have shared with my colleagues that, the day we shall walk away from selective understanding of messages, is the day we shall be true to ourselves as Ugandans ! Propaganda no longer has space in the 21st century no matter how much you try to thrive on it ! Time catches up with you in the end !

Uganda has suffered on the hands not of the uneducated or bad folks but on the hands of the good guys , the elites who choose to use their abilities to sway masses to their wrongful beliefs by painting and intentionally misrepresenting facts .

I expected the so called semi elites who claim to understand English and context to easily grasp the message of Gen Muntu than my 134 old grandmother in the villages of Kasese who knows nothing about English !

It’s wrong to choose what part of speech u want to understand than its wholeness. Rusty and lazy readers should not be able to write for one or two people to read because those who can’t read and understand works of others, how then on earth can they be a measure of facts ?

Whereas, Some politicians said outrightly that Elections can’t get rid of President Museveni yet they can’t provide an alternative a reason many of us jumped ship , Muntu’s message a few days ago that a group of a few bloggers have deliberately misrepresented was outrightly clear based on the 34 years of a destroyed System under which a dictator operates!

Muntu says Removing President Museveni is not the problem , the problem is bigger than we think because Museveni as a person is already at his weakest whether he likes it or Not, he is on his way out ! He’s been damaged enough , done enough mistakes that can’t sell him anymore in the eyes of both Ugandans , his own folks and the international world save the region! So Time places the mark right above that it’s a matter of time , Museveni will be gone .

But how is it not our centre of focus ?

For the last 34 years, Museveni managed to create a system in place that even as we speak right now trust you me it is the system maintaining him in power ! A very violent system that doesn’t care about Uganda and it’s people but themselves ! Ugandans should be more worried of this system than a weakling man on the way out ! Gen Muntu emphasises that we need to be able to prepare for this change call it transition and avoid falling in the same pit with Zimbabwe , Libya, Egypt among other countries that have tasted the pain of dictatorship ! Once the system can’t hold anymore , Museveni will be isolated . A conveyor way of coordination will save us the mess


We need to be more ready than before to receive this change . HOW?

-We NEED Education. Be able to educate our comrades about the urgency and importance of this struggle to freedom .

-We NEED to mobilise vigorously . From towns to the villages . If it means us all retreating to our LC1s, we will have to do so in order to awaken our fellow countrymen.

-We NEED TO build capacity and institutions /infrastructure that will help us destroy this system. Fact is Museveni is on the way out but if we don’t provide an antidote to the system in place , it’s most likely that it can distract a new government that will have been created . We have wasted a lot of time approximately 20 years or more trying to get rid of Museveni but this system has kept him here . Therefore, it’s wiser to spend less time in making government because Ugandans will be impatient as they’re yearning to see change . So why not build infrastructure today than tomorrow ?

-We NEED to strategise / plan/plan . A score card is on to be used against all of us by Ugandans . We therefore don’t have to be naive to think Ugandans will hold us responsible by use of other measures ! Ugandans are interested in change of government , service delivery , employment for the 82% unemployed youth , working health sector and vibrant education system save personal security ..so planning is vital now ! We can’t afford planning when Museveni is gone as others are thinking !

-We NEED to be more United than ever before ! The Alliance believes in working together with all other forces of change especially those we share values with and common beliefs . Concerted efforts in all avenues is ideal . ANT doors have been made open to all good folks both independents and other political parties for the benefit of a better Uganda because we believe we are not custodians of wisdom but we have a conviction that we are a lot of determined men and women committed toward a common agenda that will deliver this nation to Greatness

-We NEED a workable Agenda as our *Modus operandi to follow in this struggle. It’s clear that we need change but we can’t keep doing things the same old way . Forisntance , do we have enough polling Agents come that day of elections to take on each of the 60.000 plus polling centres across the country ? It’s time we start asking ourselves Hard questions than fantasising ! This is a political battle not a ride in the jungle !

-We NEED to focus on what real matters to this struggle than being diverted to small things ! The regime ain’t sleeping , it’s determined to break and divert us for their benefit. They want us divided and frustrated, they want us veer off but we don’t have to despair now !

-We NEED to identify LEADERS from Grassroots to the Top most positions because a leader at LC1 is as good as Leader at Presidential level . Infact Muntu says we need more LC1 leaders and youth leaders in Uganda than anything else at this time because these reach out to the populace we need to sustain this struggle ! Facts are clear , vote rigging starts from local councils.

It is so sad that desperate bloggers and enemies of the struggle chose to ignore all this and picked a small word from Muntu’s communication …

If I can ask , who on earth carries out a struggle without looking at these key issues ? Tell me so that you can continue propagating wrong info about Gen Muntu !

By Mwalimu Tahakabar

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