I will certainly be quick not to go in my usual long paragraphs .The Government fell on 26th January 1986, and New NRA Govt came to power under President Museveni and of course a mammoth crowd stormed the streets of Kampala and back in my villages atleast people were to sleep in houses because war seemed over ,little did they know that what was to come was something different . Money was to be changed -They lost millions in that saga that was till today, no one knows how the exchange from Obote money to Museveni money came about . Someone will need to educate us on this .

Whoever saw the fall of Kampala on that day will tell you that , it was a big day but not equalled to the day President Amin came to power .However,jubilations were on the roof . This day that someone called – not a mere change of guards and guns but a fundamental Change has left this generation with a lot of unanswered questions .

The struggle has been real and I guess till today the Liberation struggle is still on , men and women , young and old have died on the course of this liberation cause , like these 3 military men in the picture -Brig.Noble Mayombo , Maj Gen James Kazini and Gen Aronda Nyakairima who died on plane in Dubai due to “heart complications” but still, he died on duty trying to lobby for uganda , that’s what we call Patriotism .Not so ?

And so many others have also died , those not in combat of course , hunger in Isingiro and Karamoja has claimed some and they can’t see this day , #Bijjambiya and #Butayimbwa men in Mukono-Katosi have also claimed some , #Kifeesi Gangs on Entebbe road have not only stolen bags and phones from people like I almost lost my iphone6plus to the same but have also taken lives of some people , #BodaBoda2010 with its Leader Kitatta have killed and butted many Ugandans with the protection of Police , of course others have died in protests over what’s perceived as unfair Government policies which I think would be wise for Government to listen some day .

Some have died exercising the real core value this Liberation day stands for -Participation in Elections that have in many parts turned violent and fraudulent. But also I see fraudulent elections in America, Americans I hear they’re very angry with Vladimir Putin of Russia, he hacked in their system and doctored results for them to get a worst Nightmare but woke up to realities of a US-Mexican Border wall to be built. How history is funny sometimes . Ohhh I was remembering the Berlin Wall . Of course even these rebels in Kasese who at some point were giving maize to the NRA fighters have now turned to be devils . Mbwenu Binshobaire!!

So I think this Liberation Day comes with big prices and you wonder why don’t we find moments to rather call it something different especially when what I was to be liberated from is truly happening right in my face !

Motomoto Leero , buli kintu kyalinya dda ! Prices of goods are increasing day by day , you can’t be sure the price you found in a shop yesterday to be the same price you will find today , and by the way where’s customer protection ? No standard prices for items , everyone sets his own price in the market, 24% of Ugandans can’t afford £1 a day..

So as they celebrate liberation Day, I will have my time in my hood to rather Remember a lot that’s come on happening ……

1-The more than 500,000 skulls left behind in the Luwero Triangle

2-The Massacres and unforgettable mass murder and mass graves in Northern Uganda

3-The mass Graves in Kasese

4-The Loss of Aboki Girls to LRA rebels

5-The Kasubi Tombs fires (Nanti kati tusolooza Etofali)

6-The Busega Roundabout attack on Dr KB 2006

7-The Mabira forest Give away ceremony and National reaction to the same

8-The Teso land grabbing that saw most mothers go naked

9- Hiking prices of goods that now it’s hard to put food on the plate, poor education,Higher tuitions that today primary schools pay much more than secondary schools -here I need second liberation.

10- corruption Pandemic -Gavi funds for TB,AIDS and Malaria. NSSF scandal -Bakoko Zoe where are you ? CHOGM funds where a car was being washed at more than a million shillings hehehe Zaabu ,

11- Elite frustrations due to unemployment

12- Breakdown of the Cancer Machine and we can’t repair it for atleast 3bns .

13-Lack of medicine in hospitals and health centres . And by the way Doctors stealing medicine .

14- land grabbing in Hoima region, Mubende and Kibale…

15-Influx of refugees

16- Protest over the Youth Policy launch in Serena that saw PS Bigirimana run for his dear life(Kale wawona Ssebo , boys wanted to lynch you) and so sorry for Owek Nakiwala Kiyingii on that day.

12- OIL CASH BONANZA- 88bns to lawyers in London, 52 bns in expenses and allowances , 6Bns Presidential Handshake (Akasimo )

Meanwhile, let me take opportunity to say RIP to all men and women who have died in Combat since independence , those in Exile, those in the country, those who have died because of bad roads and bullets from assailants and disease.

You’re the Heroes of this generation . We Remember that on this #RemembranceDay .


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