Revolutionary songs of freedom have for years been echoing from every corner of Uganda, a fact that clearly makes one think that Uganda is ripe for a revolutionary political overhaul.

Revolutions have come on happening in our neighbours homes as we cheer so loud and we settle for; May be God isn’t yet happy with us to see the change we need! It’s always been this way for years and to an average person, it’s sounds like God is angry with Ugandans and that’s why He’s handed them thirty two years of dictatorship under one man’s rule .

The question would be, why would God make His own struggle and suffer this way for ages without proper sewage system in major towns , without good and functioning educational system , flimsy and laughable salaries to number one profession of any country -Teaching department, dilapidated railway system, poor functioning police system, acute corruption that even steals from the refugees ( and by the way we have again appeared in the list of the most corrupt nations on earth, maintaining the same position ), lawlessness that citizens can’t walk freely with money before they’re lynched and burnt to ashes by thugs like the case of former Case Clinic employee , poor health care with a number of health centres and hospitals that can’t treat even fever for lack of supplies ,mothers giving birth by the road side ? Why would God do that to his own ?

Okay! Why would God give uganda the youngest population in the world standing at about 70% or so and then make that youngest population live a life without jobs ? Last time I checked on the statistics as drawn by UBOS, it was a staggering 82% of the young population living a life without employment even when one would think that with a young population, uganda should be blessed with enough human resource to make things turn around and bail uganda out of poverty .

If this is what God wants for Ugandans , then God should be angry with us . We must have done the impossible sin bigger than that of Adam and Eve . We must have been so violent and disrespectful of God that He chose to punish us with thirty two years of suffering under the NRM regime . However, I refuse to believe and accept this analogy of dreamers that God is annoyed of Ugandans . It’s wrong and it’s baseless and it’s uncouth . Ugandans are responsible for their own suffering !

I chose to deliberately pick from the crowd the Youth of uganda and rest this blame on to them . Am pretty sure many will feel the friction and some will even feel am a betrayer of a generation I belong to . I will respect everyone’s opinion after reading this article . In anyway, when did writers find no critics in their works !

On several occasions , the youth have been used as political stooges, political barricades and political spinners of bad policies by these bad leaders that have held this nation in captivity. Youth have been seen on the front lines drumming for bad policies that even endanger their own existence .

Most Politicians in Uganda have known a price tag pinned on every youth especially in towns and this is both within the opposition politicians and those in the NRM junta regime . They’ve known that, the youth in the major towns of Kampala , Mbarara, Mbale , Jinja, Kabale , FortPortal name them are a lot of unprincipled young men and women who are only pushed by their desire for money and luxury and not the desire for a free and better country . Basically most of the youth in Uganda unlike other countries are unpatriotic . What they’ve done in asking for money from every politician is equivalent to putting their own country of birth up for sell and the highest bidder takes it all . And today you can see the reason why we are stuck with naive and illogical politicians in Parliament and other administrative offices as the Executive acts recklessly as it pleases.

Politicians take a handful of youths to posh hotels , serve them good food and drinks , sell their agenda to them and the next you’ll see is selfie photos of these youths posing with captions of; “At Serena taking lunch” , At Speak Resort chilling with my buddies” and the politicians will put a few shillings in their pockets something that will excite these ignorant souls not knowing they’re now officially and consciously selling their nation to vultures ! And days later , they’re regarded expendables and Politicians will definitely need their money back in terms of syphoning and embezzling money meant for service delivery .

Same youths will be seen all over ranting on social media how they’ve been forgotten by these politicians. Hey! What did you expect after you sold your souls to the devil ? As Prof PLO Lumumba says in his speeches that ; We have placed the goats to be taken care of by Hyenas and when the goats are consumed , we wonder why ?

Every Nation is liberated by its young population, the likes of President Museveni, Gen Muntu, President Obote, PM Dr Otema Allimadi, Dr Kiiza Besigye , Kayira, Late CDF Gen Aronda, President Amin et al all struggled for freedom in their youthful ages of between 20-45 years . Revolutions are led by the young who have something to lose and look forward to gaining something (Freedom) not men in their evening hours waiting for pension and consequently death in the near future . This is why President Museveni can not provide workable solutions to challenges of the country like we all know he’s being investigated for corruption in the US Court as Exhibit 1510 over a bribe of $500,000 from a Chinese mogul Ho together with his partner and minister of Foreign Affairs -Sam Kuteesa who happens to be the Father In-Law to the President’s son Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba. The president can not therefore have moral authority to fight corruption since the guns look straight in his house .

The youth need to come out of sleep beds of roses and be the face of a revolution they wanna see happening in Uganda , shun those tokens from politicians , avoid those closed door pathetic meetings with politicians , stop mediocre Talks of labelling everyone , stop using your social media pages as ground of wars, propaganda , lies and posting what you ate yesterday rather make them a place to rally many more youths to understand the urgency of this matter of freedom , it’s now or Never ! Thank God IPOD Summit took place and confirmed to us our doubts of whether The ageing Presidents has hopes of relinquishing power or throw his energies on any other of his honchos .Now it’s a public secret even within his party that nobody can be a Chairman of NRM unless he’s dead . It’s time we realign our energies as young people and know the importance of institutional organisation and unity in defeating dictatorship.

Therefore, you can choose to go down in history as one of the betrayers of the nation for having sold the nation to politicians because you were greedy or you stand out today and say no to bad governance . Remember history will judge us harshly if we don’t act now if you don’t put your #CountryBeforeSelf.

The Writer is a Political Activist





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