Tribal Pride Vs Development -Role of Youth in Kasese?

Each day i wake up from bed, i thank God for the diversity of my district Kasese. Its years now since Kasese became an independent district from Kabarole. A number of people sacrificed and put in a lot of energies to see this mighty district stand and its evident that it has stood a test of time. Even when you can notably visualise the dominance of Kabarole in Kasese through names of places,language, names and intermarriages. Kasese is by far an independent district now that unlike other districts it’s a true image of diversity .

Many leaders played a role here and thus, passed the land on to us today and its therefore, our role to move this district to the next generation. This is only possible if we decide to look at a bigger picture, focus at development, shun all those politicians coming under the guise of Tribal politics that will do nothing but divide us and leave us defeated at our own expense.

From little , we spoke a number of languages ranging from Lhukonzo to Rutooro to Runyankole to Rukiga to Luganda to even Lingala from the DRC . It was difficult to find kids play during our time and they’re using one language .This explains why partly some of us managed to be able to speak many languages . For instance, I speak more than 9 languages including this foreign language am using to write this piece . One can ably say, we have come strides and been able to live together as a people because truth is we can choose to live in peace or choose to die in violence over tribes as fools. That’s upon us as a people .

The Obligation of every native of Kasese is to protect this land from self seekers especially now and this time of turbulations . Lots of politicians are coming on ground with ill propaganda of dividing us based on tribes. As natives of Kasese we need to desist from being wooed to into violence.

our strength as a district is based on the cultural diversity we enjoy. Powerful nations in the worldworld like USA, Brazil, China are best examples of what cultural diversity can do to positively and economically change a society ushering in both quantitative and qualitative development. This is the focus of the 21st century.

The Young people in Kasese need to take up this struggle upon themselves and shun tribal sentiments and desist themselves from violence . This will isolate tribalists and the OCD violent elements in the district and the entire region of the Rwenzori. To revive education , Business , Farming , Tourism among other ventures, We need to start rooting for solutions in the district . This is an ideal that’s possible if it involves all stakeholders and the youth can make this happen .

I call upon the Banyankole, Bakonzo, Banyabindi, Batoro, Bakiga, Basongora, Banyarwanda, Bamba, Basoga, Baganda of Kasese to join hands in the name of developing the land we both belong to. Remember we are and shall forever remain immigrants. Its therefore, upon us to make Kasese shine and stand tall for we are a blessed people.

God bless you. God Bless the Greater Rwenzori. Peace!

Writer is a Retired Teacher, Pan Africanist, Human Rights & Democracy Activist from Bwera-Kasese.


Mwalimu Tahakabar

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