Last year 2017, I had an opportunity to attend a Youth conference organised by UYONET and YAA in Bugolobi. In this Conference, Prof. Mwambutsya Ndebesa gave a a moving Keynote address that till today I have been thinking about . So I have decided to try and reconstruct it in my own words and share at least something with my fellow citizens .

Much of Prof Ndebesa’s Keynote address was on a Youth as a Citizen or a Subject . The Youth MUST be a Third force in policy implementation, good political governance and thriving of democracy in Uganda today .

The Youth must learn to protect their values and not fall short of citizenship standards only to showcase themselves as subjects .

He insisted that we are culprits by mistake and circumstances of the old social dynamics .

However he says today we are blessed our own families have stepped in to educate us and it’s only wrong to have an education that won’t change society positively and shd you find yourself in such a situation then you need to go back and unlearn so as to re learn .

The Youth in pursuing their citizenship rights should whatsoever remember leadership ain’t only waiting to become presidents, its accepting not to condone wrong doing in society where you come from no matter how hard it may be that the leaders in question are having a relationship linage with yourselves. Always stand by the truth even if it shakes your ground .

He told MPs who were present on that day ( Hon Susan and Hon Solomon Silwanyi ) that they’re youths and therefore, whether their political party is in leadership and they’re direct beneficiaries or not , they should not betray the cause of the youth in demanding justice and accountability from leaders .

He said the more we keep with unquestionable leaders, the more economies of given societies stagnate and of course others overtake such economies . This is because leaders start assuming they’re the Alpha and Omega and don’t deserve to be put in a spotlight .This explains why today a country powerful as Uganda has a weak economy in comparison to Rwanda as per GDP per capita is concerned . We certainly risk to go to the situation of Zimbabwe .

He therefore went on and sent Youth Aid Africa and Uganda Youth Network to deliver message of hope back to the grassroots where we come from that the elders have failed society and the only way to solve that is not by going to bed with them in committing crime but resist bad leadership and push for new rules and leaders that suit the 21st century , the era of knowledge and reason

Prof Ndebesa was clearly stating that Indicators of a retarded society are vividly seen in how that community responds to injuries (problems)in society . In this case Uganda was at the fore front .

Leaders whatsoever should not be listened to and given chances if they fall short of societal standards . He urged all MPs that they should go back to the floor of Parliament and demand for reduction of Parliamentary Members because to him (Professor) , A big parliament affects the country to the heart economically and it’s the tax payer who is already burdened with other taxes and poverty that feels the pinch. He went ahead to say , it’s only those who are playing a game of thrones that maintain big armies around themselves given a fact they’re sure they can’t survive without one .

The Professor shot a direct challenge to his former student and now strong hand of NRM Hon Solomon Silwanyi.

He asked why would he condone impunity just because it’s being exercised by his bosses ? The MP was trapped in between hunger and dignity.

He said, the generation today will be accountable and shall go at war with the generation coming tomorrow that shall question us ; “After you learnt of society mistakes , what did we do ?”. This meant that the Youth should empower themselves , resist bribery , participate in numerous Citizenship Dialogues to dialogue not to be dialogued , question impunity , learn new skills as demanded in the 21st century , and be on the forefront of Fighting for our political space on the sharing table .

He challenged the youth that, management of public affairs -institutions , gatherings and community based apparatuses is no unique with taking it upon yourself that you carry a burden should you fall short of standards .

As we are in the 21st century- the era of knowledge and reason , it’s upon us to go find it , we shall therefore be in the dark when we fail to reason -Prof Mwambutsya Ndebesa was telling us in a conference . THE YOUTH CONSTITUTE THE THIRD FORCE THAT CAN CHANGE AND TAKE THIS NATION UGANDA TO GREATNESS.

A lot transpired in that Conference , which I will be sharing and those who attended can also throw more light on that I haven’t talked about or even left behind .






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