Hunger For Freedom Makes us blind sometimes until we wake up from Sleep…

Hungry I was, food was all I thought of.

Like I was the cook,I knew I needed not to think about the cholesterol.

My hunger and thirst were to be quenched at all cost.

Suddenly it rained with lots of thunderstorms that it became impossible for me to reach the other side.

He appeared with promises of food only if I walked with him.

Did I have any choice? No! I was hungry.

I was using my stomach to think .

Soon as we crossed the bridge, Judas had Landmines and exploded it. Why did you explode the bridge ? I hurriedly asked … Anyway ,The bridge wasn’t what I wanted much , food was the mission for I was hungry. My empty stomach needed food to regain its freedom and peace . That’s all .

We reached the house and he smartly told me to serve the sons and daughters. The food in my eyes , I was confident knowing I would eat when my time comes.

As I served the last daughter, he told me there’s no more food for me in the kitchen but rather one plate left for himself.

With a phone call coming from across the broken bridge calling me to go eat, mum had put food on the dinning table , it couldn’t help me because a sadist had exploded the only bridge. All he needed things he done his way ,

Now that I have chosen to liberate myself and lead more others with same hunger like me , I am being dubbed a traitor . Yes ! Let me be a traitor for now , you call me and my friends traitors because we wanna break the chains ? Because we are determined to sail back and take a different route ? Because we have refused to accept your orders ? Yes indeed we are traitors . What do we call you who ate all the food by yourself and didn’t share it with us ? Should we also judge you ? Of course Not, we do things differently. We are taking the higher road .

Help me God, I try swim through this meandering river full of crocodiles to go home and eat my mothers food.

If you can’t let people know that you ain’t a horse to be dragged in all corners of their wishes then stay put and face Truth. Otherwise, every patient man has a breaking point and at that time , they seek counsel from their brains not taking orders anymore as hostages !!

Motherland is calling for freedom , motherland is saying fight for me first . Motherland is calling for institutions… Time Is Now. This is the Time…Re-Awaken !


#Ethical & #VisionaryLeaders



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