AFRICA ON THE SALE ONCE AGAIN . This Time being sold by our Pseudo-Elite leaders on silver Platter .
I won’t dwell lots on the history prior to the mid 19th century to take us to sleep , I will just start from the infamous 1884/5 Berlin Conference that was summoned by Chancellor of Germany Otto Avon Bismarck in which the so called super Nations of Europe gladly attended with a cardinal aim of sharing Africa among themselves and of course they did.
Same man Bismarck at some point had quashed and trashed the idea of acquiring colonies in Africa on ground that colonies were expensive , strategic miscalculation and a foreign policy that would endanger a newly created German that had been formed in 1871 after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war 1870-71. In his own words I quote: 
“The map of Colonies of German is in Europe…Colonies are not worth the bones of a single German Soldier”. 

Would anyone know why this notion all of a sudden came as a shock and awe and changed the colonial policy of Germany ? Yes of course the young Kaiser Wilhelm II was pushing for this as he had told the aging Chancellor:
 “Nothing shall take place in the world in which German shall not take part” .And to emphasize this he went ahead and said in provoking the super colonial powers Britain whose economy was built of stolen booty from colonies; “German destiny lies on the sea”.
The entrance of German Ofcourse was a game Changer . At Berlin, Africa was a Wedding Cake, Africa was laid caucus on table and was shared among the greedy , gluttons , blood thirst leaders of Europe by a mere stroke of a pen and to my dismay this sharing was made possible by the then unlearned African Leaders , Chiefs and Kings. This same act is being done again by the 21st Century Elite leaders .. Someone will ask who bewitched Africa? We did… It’s sad.

The selling of Africa was either by ignorance of the African leaders who had no idea of the intentions of the self branded visitors or was by greed and cowardice … For example , Jaja of Opobo claimed “He who makes powder must win the battle” . So he couldn’t mount resistance . Worrior Abdel Kader of Algeria mounted serious resistance against the French in North Africa(Maghreb) but was defeated and that determined loss of the whole region to the French and later Italy a loser in Ethiopia grabbed Libya.

To my own Country Uganda, we were sold off by The King (Kabaka) of Buganda just because he was such a coward who feared attacks from the Strongest Omukama Kabalega of Bunyoro. In simplicity, cowardice and love for money made the Baganda betray a whole Nation and today we are choking on wanting to correct the mistakes these selfish leaders did . A good Muganda shouldn’t be here demanding for “Ebyaffe” because that that you call yours was gotten as pay off for your sell out of a whole nation which to Africans , it was a pay off for betrayal . 

What’s sad is that, if Menelik II – Negus Negust (King of Kings as his Nickname in Amharic went) was brought from the dead to see what signature The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Mariam has put on paper with Israel, he would kill him and offer to mount another war of resistance like he did against Italy in 1896 Adowa battle. To him there was no way Africa was going to triumph while putting pretenders with hidden motives at the fore front . .

The Visit of Israel to Eastern Africa is the axis to this article am penning . If African leaders have same political lenses, then there’s no reason why they should again use the AFRICAN UNION a body that envisages to bring together the continent as a sell out wing to these invaders, blood thirst Israelis pretending to be partners in economic and military avenues . How can Israel be welcomed by the AU chairman and seconded by father of African Nationalism Ethiopia as an AU Observer yet Israel on all grounds , can not pass a Human Right respect test ?

Israel is completely a nation that has proved it can not recognize the independence of a sister country moreover a country that was dissolved to create Israel in 1948. This is Palestine in Question. Israel has come on violating the 1948 accord by extending her territorial boundaries into Palestine, killed so many children, women and imprisoned so many Palestinians unjustly. If Israel can not respect Palestinians the original natives of the Middle East, how can Israel come here with a noble heart and claim to respect African dreams of unity ? The Visit of PM Netanyahu to the East African Region was strategic to benefit the Israel foreign policy and continue to cage Africa under the invincible colonial hand and destroy the network and brotherhood Palestine enjoys among African brothers.

The Chairman AU should have been armed with such information and so was Ethiopia before welcoming Israel. The extension of Israel foreign policy into Africa and being given a seat is in itself dangerous to Africans and Palestinians . Mossad will have been given safe landing to spy on Africa and frustrate any chances of support for Palestine.

African leaders at AU especially the Chairman needs to remember or be reminded that Israel has never and will never be a friend of Africa . There’s no way a hyena can claim cosy relationship with a goat .

The writer is a Ugandan freelancer


#LongLive Palestine



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