Action is Now against M7 tyranny 

Indoctrination is one vice that can’t be healed without action against it … It’s a vice that once a people are used to it as a way of life , Dictators find no problem in living a heavenly life. This explains why;

This always creates fear among citizens like they’re hostages of their own ideas … Time has proved this that many of us out there in the streets are engaged in loose talks of “Kati ani asobola?” “Omusajja ayina amajje , maama siyina ga ffa”..

This is what fear can create… 

We need to engage the citizens Now, and show them it’s possible to change a blood sucking regime …unite the people , tell them their rights and what the constitution guarantees to them… Regardless of different  political affiliations , we need to cage indoctrination by uniting and unleashing democratic values into play 

RT Hon Amama has come up with a solution and has preached unity like this;

“To look out at this gathering is to see a multitude that reflects the power and reach of the Go Forward message and movement. The gathering here today is a true union: for whilst we are not all the same, we are all in agreement. We mirror the rich cultural diversity of this nation (indeed some of us are from the north, the east, the west and the central regions, some are Muslim, others Christian; some of us are UPC, others DP, FDC and NRM and other political parties and from civil society) and we are all here because we recognise that Uganda is, once again, at a critical turning point in her history; because we know that the battle before us is not merely a clash of values, it is a battle for the future of our children and the very soul of this nation”.

Ugandans have chosen to Go Forward for it’s leadership is promising possible and achievable goals ..

One thought on “Action is Now against M7 tyranny 

  1. Action is now. Its a civic duty to restore the sanctity of the state and the supremacy of constitutional justice as desired by those that shed their blood to keep the red stripes of the flag red!

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