My Vote My weapon,Kasese my district.

My Tribe is Kasese, My district is Kasese, my Vote is my Wealth.  
The loose talk by politicians trying to divide people of Kasese is yet another misfortune and a show of weakness and failure of politicians in the district… The world today is not founded on tribal small cliques but intertwined based on economic power, technological wisdom and desire to change the bad to good for the benefit of a people.

If Hon. Mbahimba and Hon.Kafuda Boaz real believe that creating more districts from Kasese will solve ethnic tension and economic problems then I submit my case that the two never studied economics based on Chairman Mao Tse Tung the leader of Chinese Revolution. And that makes me wonder what type of leaders are representing us…

The NRM is yet another clique that preaches what they can’t do and sheepishly we follow pseudo democrats who can’t walk the talk.

Even a lay man can real understand that partly the economy of China has exploded more than three folds simply because of 1.3 billion + population … This explains why this Oldman HE. M7 is currently hosting young man HE Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya to discuss bilateral economic terms and the inaction of the EA federation that will bring a bigger EA population together and see economic boost…

Like I have always said , weaker politicians tend to look intelligent when they tap into the intellect of a sleeping electoral college like it’s happening in Uganda and Kasese in particular . We don’t have to see jobs and economic explosion by creating more districts from already a forgotten district that has seen all it’s sectors of devt fall down like education, mining, fishing, tourism, farming (cattle and Agriculture) and corruption becoming the next name of the district …

A workable ideology needs to be tabled, ask how this politician intends to achieve what he has in his manifesto… Some don’t even know because lots come to Nasser Road to have them drafted on their behalf….

Don’t despair, don’t be so desperate to just cast yo vote and you forget a 5yr hustle ahead of you when these folks are just cruising in monster cars and remember being paid from our taxes over 20 millions per month… Me and you we are somewhere in nyakatonzi and Hamukungu grazing or in Kidodo , Rwemubuza digging..

This is to both MPs Bihande, Kiiza Winfred Nyabahasa and Kiyonga   

It’s our Right . If they can’t answer, DONT VOTE.



3 thoughts on “My Vote My weapon,Kasese my district.

  1. Mwalimu you make remember of the man Malcolm X who said the Bullet or the Ballote. Its our right to vote or not to vote.No one who can answer those question framed Shaheed and trust me they are the same manefestos they are going to use again and most of our people don’t even bother to reread them.

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