Amama in the Presidential Race a big Deal?

It’s been years of struggle to change the political top seat of this country Uganda yet still a complex journey ahead of Ugandans.

The NRM has been at the helm of leadership for the past three decades with President Museveni as it’s leader since 1986. Until of recent, there has been a lot of energy within the party hierarchies demanding for change of guards at the top . Among the top men are former boss of intelligence Gen. David Sejusa and former Prime minister and close friend Amama Mbabazi. 

 To many within the ruling party they feel they are stuck with Museveni-the Oldman , they’re torn between national values and party interests. They’re torn between protection of jobs and property and probably tribal affiliations with the President, they’re torn between patriotism and parachialism coupled with politics based on regions… They’re torn between changinging the system yet worried of justice to individuals just in case there’s change of Guard..which is understandable .

Amama to come out and announce his interest to challenge Museveni within the party he has oftenly called his child , is considered a bold decision by the former Premier that many still believe he’s dellusioned but the official Secretary General seems determined to tussle it out with his former boss and friend .

Sources that preferred anonymous say; Mr Amama is well placed within the party structures and if a free and fair election is held he could outsmart his boss who’s becoming unpopular each day a notion that’s believed by many . Different sources go ahead to unite on a fact that Amama is quite a formidable gentleman that commands respect and can easily be received by the opposition for he’s liberal tendencies as a lawyer and more diplomatic leader alongside his vast experience in different leadership roles as an Atorney General,chief of intelligence, minister in different sectors, to prime Minister and above all a close ally to President Museveni and a senior in the NRM party.

The Youth feel there’s some ray of hope with Amama in solving the problem of acute unemployment , revamping of both the health and educational sectors , powering industrialization and technology to take Uganda to the New Age and globalization . He’s also viewed as a very calm and charismatic leader who’s careful in handling issues a reason why to many they believe without Amama at the helm of NRM party, a lot is at stake. A majority of the elite Ugandans and those on social media believe his 8point program is a real deal to the biting political , social and economic dilemmas of Uganda.

The question remains in whether state machinery will not be used to repulse his ambition and end up an abyss Before 2016 Presidential elections…


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