Xenophobia has Origin

 For many years I have read the speeches of President Botha about the Blacks and indeed it was an insult and may be after what happened in 2008 and 2015 in SA is a reflection Of his words about Black people and may be not .May be we shd first look at a bigger picture ..
The Afrikaner lost political power at the helm of SA and me and you well know they weren’t happy … But we shd also remember they never lost the economic power in SA

They own almost 96% of the multi national powerful companies of South Africa ranging from Banking sector, retail and wholesale, hotels and hospitality, industry , aviation to mining of gold and diamond , tin and uranium to real estate business to farming on commercial level… They own the private sector and have a great deal in administration of the central Govt …
Human labour in SA is on the mercy of the owners of the companies Not the central Govt because it owns nothing , we all know that even Telecom industry in south is owned by the Afrikaner white race in SA and this is evident in other African countries including Uganda’s MTN that operates in many sub-saharan African countries.

They decide whom to employ and whom to leave on streets to feel desperate of himself … Guys do you real look at the idea lying in that speech …?
These murders based on xenophobia in SA are well organized and planned deaths .

A clique of men ( Afrikaner) planted the seed , nurtured it and watched it grow and now they are smiling on Tv watching us kill each other.

How did they do this?

They have tried not to employ the black Natives and preferred blacks from foreign countries and have gone ahead to mock the Natives that they are too lazy and can’t give them better jobs , claiming they’re not skilled, not educated enough to get their jobs, the best they have done is to give them jobs in mines , this has left many Native Blacks Jealous of foreigners and looking at them as a threat , this is the genesis of xenophobia in the South … 

We all know what anger and a sense of not being loved and liked what it can trigger , this is systematic plan. Now u can’t apportion the blame on to them but u forget , that whites own gun shops in South Africa and often sell them to blacks … 

So as we start looking at ourselves as inferior… Take an in depth thinking and see the patterns of economy in South Africa and see who u gonna blame
I condemn #xenophobia with one heart

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