OPINION: Is there still life in Sepp Blatter after FIFA scandal escalates?

CitiBlog Milton Keynes

FOR many people, the arrest of high-ranking FIFA executives by a Swiss/US probe has signaled a horizon shift.

The last few years have seen football fans despair at FIFA corruption scandals, which have somehow managed to peak ever after the award of the 2022 tournament to Qatar. But with the organisation remaining as strong and, as John Oliver put it, “comically grotesque” as ever, it seemed like the gravy train was continuing to hurtle along at rapid speed. Sure, there were the odd scalps – including the noticeable one of former Vice President Jack Warner – but most of the time, it felt like FIFA had used them up and spat them out.

The fatalism had continued, with a number of opponents stepping down in the race to be FIFA President, leaving Jordan’s Prince Ali the only competitor to sport’s ultimate despot Sepp Blatter. This Friday (29/05) sees the election…

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